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The retirement in the UK and the self-employed

Zdjęcie autora: Radoslaw SalakRadoslaw Salak

Zaktualizowano: 12 wrz 2022

The retirement for distributors is quite specific topic because while you start your business nobody thinks about insurances for the future. Everyone focuses on business.

It is clear when it comes to the workers, If you are 22 years old or more and you earn more than 10000 pounds per year, the employer is obliged to add the worker to the recently entered rule so-called auto-enrolment and naturally the paid contributions NIC give the state pension.

However today I will try to show you how the retirement in the UK a self-employed looks like

What are the types of retirement systems for distributors

In practice they are the same as for the employees. If you are Self – employed you should get The new State Pension under the same conditions as the normal workers.

However remember that you need to pay contributions. If the distributors who want to save some money don’t have profits and they don’t have to pay contributions CLASS2.

If your profit is smaller than £6025 you have voluntariness of paying contributions type of CLSS 2 which is valued for 2.65 pound per one week.

There are many people who want to save money so they get smaller profits and they don’t pay optional contribution CLASS 2. Actually consciously or unconsciously they get rid of The State pension.

The government goes along with it because there is a possibility of voluntary fee.

The may decide to demand that sum of money only after demonstration aforementioned £6025 and many people would like to earn similarly cause without payment for insurance you lose your right to The State pension.

What about private retirement

As a self-employed you have the same possibilities like a worker to saving money for retirement by different retirement provisions under the accounts for example SIPP or special retirement funds of which you will find in the UK a lot. It is worth to consider it for fiscal reasons.

It doesn’t matter if you are the distributor or just a worker. If you pay contributions then you can be almost sure that the retirement in the UK is due to you.

Hence it is worth to consider paying for contributions type of CLASS 2 cause they are voluntary (you can profit up to £6025!!!).

Naturally if at the same time you are a worker and you earn over £10000 and in addition you run your own business, the payment for voluntary contributions clearly overshoots the mark here cause you have paid contributions under the NIC conditions by your employer.

I would like to remain that if you have some private retirement then you can’t profit from the collected money before 55 year of age.

The end

In summary of post, the retirement in the UK a self-employed I wanted only to show that if you earn less than the given limit: £6025, it is necessary to consider paying the voluntary contribution under the CLASS 2 cause thanks to that you have a chance for getting the retirement in the UK.

Naturally, the retirement for distributors may be much greater if the business will develop enough to generate its own stable incomes.

The people who invest in the properties think in that way. In 20-30 years’ time, when the credit will be paid, the rent chargé will be additional source of income on retirement.

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